The Evolution of the PWDCNC Regional Specialty

BOB CH Dacher's Gotta Get A Gund "Garbonzo"
Wine Country KC Supported Entry 1992
Judge: Mr. Robert Moore
Presenter: Maryanne Murray PWDCA President
In 1992 a group of more than sixty dedicated PWD owners organized a regional club covering the greater SF Bay area. After several successful PWD owner events, the charter members decided to host a supported entry of PWDs. In November 1993, our first Supported Entry was held at the Wine Country Kennel Club show in Santa Rosa. At the time this was the second largest entries of PWDs on the Pacific coast being only surpassed by the PWDCA supported entry at the Santa Barbara/Channel City cluster in 1989. This supported entry was also an audition to host the first National Specialty to be held on the West Coast. Several PWDCA officers came out to observe the PWDCNC's supported entry including the President of the PWDCA Maryanne Murray who presented the BOB trophy. After the Santa Rosa event the PWDCA granted us the 1994 National Specialty based on our fine performance at our first Supported Entry. During the remainder of 1993 and 1994 all the club members worked hard to pull together the third PWDCA National Specialty that was held at the Marin Civic Center grounds in San Rafael in 1994. The water trial was at China Cam p in the salt water of San Francisco Bay. The first and only time that PWDs had to compete in a water trial in their natural ocean environment. This specialty also featured the first AKC agility trial west of the Mississippi River.

PWDCNC BOB Challenge Trophy
Donated by Susan and Chuck Teasley
For the next decade the PWDCNC continued to hold several supported entries annually at different all-breed shows in the Bay area. In 2000 the club hosted the PWDCA National Specialty in Monterey at the Monterey Fairgrounds. Beginning in 2002 we have hosted a Regional Specialty each year in conjunction with the fall Del Valle Kennel Club show cluster. A beautiful challenge trophy was donated by Susan and Chuck Teasley for Best of Breed. Each year the show has grown larger. The regional specialty show now includes obedience, rally and sweepstakes as well as conformation. A lunch time Parada (parade) of dogs has been added. The PWDCNC also supports the conformation entries both days of the Del Valle all-breed shows as well as supporting the PWDs in agility and obedience at the show. In early October 2010 the PWDCNC hosted the PWDCA National Specialty in San Luis Obispo. A number of our members were involved in planning and putting on this event. Because it occurred only three weeks before our normally scheduled independent specialty the PWDCNC elected to conduct our annual specialty show at the Sunday Del Valle KC show rather than a Saturday independent specialty show. On October 22, 2011 the PWDCNC completed its first decade of specialties with an independent specialty held on the Saturday of the Del Valle weekend judged by breeder judge Mr. Steve Dostie. The total entry including over 90 PWDs.

Special thanks go to Debi Best the show secretary for all the regional specialties who has helped providing the information for this website. Warren and Vicky Cook of have been the official photographers for the specialties since 2003. The beautiful conformation photographs on this site reflect their skill and professionalism.